Picture of the Day : Zhangye Danxia, China

Publié le par Jay

Zhangye Danxia (Landform) Geopark - 张掖丹霞国家地质公园, Gansu Province, China

Zhangye Danxia (Landform) Geopark - 张掖丹霞国家地质公园, Gansu Province, China

Zhangye Danxia, located near the city of Zhangye in China's northwestern Gansu province, covers an area of 510 square kilometres (200 sq mi) and is known for the unusual colours of its rocks, which are smooth, sharp and several hundred meters tall. They are the result of deposits of sandstone and other minerals that occurred over 24 million years. The result is connected to the action of the same tectonic plates responsible for creating parts of the Himalayan mountains. Wind, rain, and time then sculpted extraordinary shapes, including towers, pillars, and ravines, with varying colours, patterns, and sizes.

The area has become a top tourist attraction for Zhangye. A series of boardwalks and access roads have been built to help visitors to explore the rock formations. In 2014, 100 million yuan was invested to improve the facilities.

I believe that the Zhangye Danxia mountain formation is one of those places on Earth that looks so unreal that one might think it is a completely photoshopped picture. I might have thought the same if one of my friends who studied in Beijing hadn't gone to the place and taken pictures of it.

It is crazy. It is beautiful. It exists. And I want to go!

Who's coming?

Till next time xx

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C'est completement dingue!!<br /> J'adore tes nouveaux posts, tu nous fais decouvrir des trucs super interessants. J'avais a une epoque un livre qui s'appelait 1000 (ou 100 je sais plus) amazing places to see before you die (ou un truc du genre), c'est ce que tu dois faire, ecrire un bouquin!!
Je ne sais pas si j'aurais un jour la chance de voir tout ce que j'ai envie de voir dans ma vie (realistically, I know I won't), mais si jamais je n'en ai pas l'occasion, je me mettrais sûrement à écrire un "1000 things you need to see book" :)<br /> <br /> Et thank you!! J'avais envie de nouveautés! Et une nouvelle catégorie est en préparation mais par rapport à la France, cette fois :D