A week ago ..

Publié le par Jay

I'm French, but I've had the opportunity to live in London (UK) a few times over the last 7 years.

At first, I was your typical tourist: always wandering around Piccadilly Circus, Trafalgar Sq., Leicester Sq., Big Ben and that was pretty much it.

But when in London for the 2nd time, I decided that it was enough so I drew up my first 'Quirky London List'. It was blue-tacked to my bedroom wall the entire year and I would cross things out once they were done.

I remember the first item I noted was Highgate Cemetery. It can seem strange that the first thing of which I thought was a place full of long-since dead people but at the time, I was reading 'Her Fearful Symmetry' by Audrey Niffenegger (on my favourite authors list - I love making lists) and Highgate was the main location.

And it was awesome. On the day I visited the weather was just glorious and it gave this huge, magnificent cemetery a super nice feel.

Highgate Cemetery

Highgate Cemetery

And the checking-off of the list went on and on for a year.


I went back to London a week ago, visiting my previous bosses and friends. And to stay true to my rule, I made another (albeit smaller and because of my shorter stay) 'Quirky London List'.

I am so completely amazed at what is hidden -in full sight, might I add- in London and about which most people don't know.

I stayed gobsmacked for a couple of minutes by the beauty of this place:

The Shri Swaminarayan Mandir Hindu Temple is in Neaden (Stonebridge Park Station), and will take your breath away

The Shri Swaminarayan Mandir Hindu Temple is in Neaden (Stonebridge Park Station), and will take your breath away

Although, I think that the following is the quirkiest thing I have seen in London.

It was built by a French sculptor; it travelled around quite a bit and finally came to stay in Canary Wharf (Trafalgar Roundabout). Apparently, it caused a few accidents and traffic jams as people would stop and go as the lights turned red or green.

I had a hard time finding it (mainly because the bridge to it un Canary Wharf was closed off for repair last week and impeded my crossing to the other side to Billingsgate Fish Market) but once you actually get to where it is, it's pretty simple.


Traffic Lights Tree by French sculptor Pierre Vivant

Traffic Lights Tree by French sculptor Pierre Vivant

I could go on and on and on about London. This probably won't be the last article about it on this blog either. It's a big part of my life and of who I am.

I'm the Frenchie with the snobbish London accent flying in and out of 2 countries because I can't settle on whether I should rather:

- live where my loved one are
- live where I love to be


Till next time x

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I need to go and see that temple. It looks so amazing, i have to see it with my own eyes !!
The trip there is pretty long and you'll need to change tube lines twice (to Stonebridge Park Station), I think, but WOW. I didn't have time to visit the inside, but if you do go, try. It might be just as breathtaking. <br /> It's a 15min-walk from the tube station to the temple. We got lost, haha.
Jayjay, je suis tellement contente que tu aies laissé un commentaire sur mon blog, car cela m'a permis de découvrir ton blog. Cet article est magnifiquement bien écrit, ce qui ne m'étonne pas du tout venant de toi, et tu vas peut être trouver ça bizarre, mais en te lisant, j'entends ta voix et ton merveilleux accent dans ma tête. Tu sais, un peu comme ce qui arrive aux personnes qui lisent le passage d'un film connu joué par Morgan Freeman. Anyway ! Ton blog est super, en un seul article tu m'as fait découvrir 3 choses sur Londres que j'ignorais complètement alors que j'y ai moi aussi passé beaucoup de temps ! <br /> <br /> Je vais lire tout tes articles à partir de maintenant ! <br /> <br /> xxx
Ma Lénie, merci d'être passée :) !!<br /> Ca me fait pareil quand je lis le tien, ha. Preuve que les petites chose auxquelles on s'était habituées restent. <br /> J'aime les 'quirky lists' et puis à Londres, c'était assez simple de trouver PLEINS de choses nouvelles à faire.
Coucou ! Waw j'adore cet article, il est bien construit et tes photos sont très belles ! J'aime ta manière de t'exprimer et j'adorerais être bilingue également, j'espère progresser quand je serai à Lancaster ! (: Quelques mots m'ont échappé mais j'apprécie ta façon d'écrire sur ces endroits, ce patrimoine londonien et ça me donne tellement envie de m'y rendre, j'étais amoureuse de Londres en y allant quelques jours à 17 ans. Je rêve d'y retourner depuis et pourquoi pas, d'y vivre!<br /> Bisous
Salut Justine, <br /> Merci beaucoup de ton passage :)<br /> Je te souhaite de bien profiter de ton séjour prochain en Angleterre pour t'imprégner de tout ce que le pays a à offrir et, comme moi, de revenir avec le langage de Shakespeare en poche ;)<br /> Si on parle de Londres, je risque de ne jamais m'arrêter haha, mais c'est une expérience super enrichissante à vivre, ça c'est sûr. <br /> x